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Continually Realizing ERP System ROI – The Importance of Routine Dialogue with Your Software Vendor

by admin

An organization’s return on investment (ROI) for its purchase of an ERP system can be achieved in a number of ways. ERP software systems can allow organizations to streamline business processes, eliminate the need for duplicate data entry, improve access to information across the enterprise, provide the analytical and business intelligence software tools that are necessary to make informed business decisions, reduce inventory levels while simultaneously improving order and line item fill rates, speed up the order entry process through e-Commerce and EDI – the list can go on and on. Much of the ROI that is achieved through ERP system implementation and deployment, however, tends to occur in the first 18 to 24 months following initial system go-live. Given that a typical ERP system’s lifecycle within a given business can last as long as 20 years, organizations and software vendors should make it a point to work together on a routine basis to develop new methods and strategies that will enable the organization to achieve further return on investment long after the initial deployment of the software. Read More…

At TGI, we stress the importance of routine dialogue and bi-annual ROI strategy sessions with our customers. These ROI sessions allow customer personnel to speak directly with their software developer, express existing issues they are having, and communicate to TGI the various ways in which they see their business evolving. We, in turn, analyze these needs and recommend processes that can be deployed throughout the organization by leveraging various functional features in Enterprise 21 to meet such requirements. Many times, it is as simple as “turning on” a certain process in Enterprise 21 that already existed but was not enabled during implementation because the need to do so didn’t exist at that time.

Other times, it may be that the customer is ready to upgrade to the latest release of Enterprise 21. I have talked to a number of new business prospects in the past who were using software that they purchased 15 to 20 years ago, and a common comment I have heard from them is, “We didn’t really take advantage of upgrades while the software was still supported [by the developer].” Enterprise software solutions are updated, enhanced, and finely-tuned on a daily basis. Technology in general is rapidly evolving, and the ERP software industry is no exception. It is important for manufacturers and distributors to take advantage of software upgrades from their supplier to ensure they don’t find themselves in a technologically archaic business state. Furthermore, companies do not want to find themselves in a situation in which they suddenly learn one day that their 15 year-old business software will no longer be supported by their software developer and must purchase new software altogether.

By engaging in routine dialogue with their software provider, communicating evolving business needs, and taking advantage of software upgrades, manufacturers and distributors can continually achieve a return on investment long after the first few years following initial go-live with their ERP system.
